• Gestalt Therapy

    A relational style of therapy in which the therapist walks alongside the client on their journey of insight and process. Through the study of contact between therapist and client the two are working along the razor’s edge of relating. How things show up in the therapy space can provide insights into patterns that might be reoccurring in the client’s life outside.

  • Embodiment Counselling

    Inviting a quietening of the busy mind allows for us to drop into the body. To reveal the powerful and intuitive knowledge held within. This modality brings curiosity to sensations and emotions that arise. Do they have a colour, shape, temperature? And most importantly what message might they carry with them? The body holds many answers, we just need to slow down and listen.

  • Couples Therapy

    Emotionally Focussed Therapy is a powerful modality to support couples, polycules and other relational fields through difficulties. By creating a slow, safe and supportive spaces the more tender, deeper emotions have room to be expressed and felt. Once stability in the relationship is achieved we can focus on remapping patterns that are no longer serving. Working our way to a stronger, heart open bond.

What clients say

  • I highly recommend Dabaco if you are looking for a queer friendly safe space. He was able to establish a strong trust bond early in our sessions. Dabaco gave me things to think about and work on, and practical ways to do this. By the end of my sessions, I felt like I had made solid progress with my mental health and mended connections with loved ones in my life.

    — Alex

  • Dabaco’s incredibly caring approach helped me to feel safe to express myself authentically in a way I haven’t experienced with other therapists. I learned how to safely express anger and was able to talk freely about my alternative style of relating, without any judgement. I can see how our work together has positively affected all parts of my life.

    — Phoebe

  • I came so much more into my own. I went from someone who would feel alone and isolated in my queerness and it's relationship to spirituality to fully owning and embracing my queerness and allowing myself to explore my sensuality and sexuality with those who previously intimidated me.

    — Ezel

  • I think my perspective of myself has changed from working with Dabaco. Originally thinking I just fit into the 'gay' category, but I feel like there's so much more to the world of queer to deny certain aspects of human experience. It's a moving spectrum and being in one label is quite restricting where queer is much more powerful and freeing.

    — Sam